Books for Classrooms & Caregivers
Reading books together with children is a wonderful way for caregivers and educators to teach new skills, help communicate understanding, and share experiences for growth and development across a wide variety of topics.
Read-Alouds for Classrooms
Picture Books about New ExperiencesPicture Books about Big IssuesLearning & Growing |
Books About Emotions & Social Skills
Bibliothrapy Goldmine
This linked list was curated by Clear Lake Children's Center, an organization that focuses on behavioral, developmental, and mental health care for kids and teens. Picture book resources are broken down into categories for identifying and recognizing emotions and interacting positively in social situations.
This linked list was curated by Clear Lake Children's Center, an organization that focuses on behavioral, developmental, and mental health care for kids and teens. Picture book resources are broken down into categories for identifying and recognizing emotions and interacting positively in social situations.
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