Borrowing Items from the Library
Patrons may check out at one of our two circulation desks or at one of our two self-checkout machines. You will receive a receipt with the dates items are due back.
Loan Periods, Renewals, Overdues, & Fines
Our library is Fine Free for most items. This does not extend to fines accrued at other SAILS network libraries.
Library Material |
Loan Period |
Fine Per Day |
Fine Cap Per Item |
How often may I renew an item?* |
Videos (DVD & VHS) |
14 Days |
$0 |
$0 |
Once |
Video Games (max. 5 per card) |
14 Days |
$0 |
$0 |
Once |
Bestseller Collection |
14 Days |
$0 |
$0 |
Zero Times |
New Adult Fiction |
14 Days |
$0 |
$0 |
Once |
Magazines |
14 Days |
$0 |
$0 |
Once |
Museum Passes |
1 Day |
$3 |
$15 |
Zero Times |
Library of Things & Equipment (max. 3 per card) |
7 Days |
$1 |
No Cap |
Once |
PT Education Kits |
14 Days |
$1 |
No Cap |
Once |
Hotspots & Telescope |
7 Days |
$5 |
No Cap |
Zero Times |
Bike Lock |
1 Day |
$5 |
$15 |
Zero Times |
Headphones |
1 Day |
$5 |
$5 |
Zero Times |
Wonderbooks (max. 5 per card) |
28 Days |
$0 |
$0 |
Once |
All other items including: New Nonfiction Adult Fiction/Nonfiction Juvenile YA Music CDs Books on CD Playaways PT Kits (toys + books) |
28 Days |
$0 |
$0 |
Once |
*Renewals: Your library items will automatically renew 3 days before the initial due date. An automatic renewal may not occur if you have reached the renewal limit (see above), if the item is on Hold for another patron, or if your account is Blocked (i.e. you have more than 7 currently overdue items or a fine of more than $10).
Returning Items
Special Item Returns
Some library items will have a label that reads, "Please return to the Pembroke Public Library front desk." These items must be returned in this manner for us to ensure a safe check-in.
Book Drops
Most items can be returned to our outside book drops, which are open 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, even on holidays. We also have two indoor book drops that can be used during opening hours.
SAILS Libraries
Most items can be returned to any SAILS Network library. Your item will be checked in at that library and sent back to us. You can also return other SAILS Network library books to our library for us to send out. The SAILS Network contains over 40 libraries!