Resources for Classrooms & Caregivers
We're here to help you find what you need for you classroom, family, and community even when you aren't in the Library.
Links to local organizations
Information about local schools, daycares, homeschooling, teaching children with special needs, & more. |
Books for Parents/ Teachers
Find great read-alouds for your family or class and books that tackle tough topics. |
Online & Offline Activities
Resources and activities for caregivers with children ages 0-6. |
Online resources for your home or classroom
Great lessons or supplemental activities for every subject. |
Popular Resources
Pembroke Public Schools for information on K-12 public education for the schools of Bryantville, Hobomock, North Pembroke, Pembroke Community Middle, and Pembroke High.
Educate Station
Educate Station is a full curriculum resource (Pre-K through Grade 5) with weekly/monthly Learning Plans and downloadable worksheets for English Language Arts, Math, Science, Social-Emotional Learning (SEL), and Social Studies. This resources is funded by the library and free to all patrons with a Library card. |
Common Sense Media
A leading source of entertainment and technology recommendations for families. This sites rates movies, TV shows, books, apps, and more so parents and caregivers can make choices that fit their family.
A leading source of entertainment and technology recommendations for families. This sites rates movies, TV shows, books, apps, and more so parents and caregivers can make choices that fit their family.
Taming Gaming
Find games for children, teenagers and young adults through detailed information that includes rating, duration, genre, theme, platforms, number of players. Every game is presented for parents and caregivers to understand and to empower informed choice through understanding.
Find games for children, teenagers and young adults through detailed information that includes rating, duration, genre, theme, platforms, number of players. Every game is presented for parents and caregivers to understand and to empower informed choice through understanding.
Need something else?
The Library can help you find materials that will suit your students and subject. Please complete the form below so that we can compile a list or place Holds on materials for your home or classroom.